Post 1: The country I want to visit: Norway.

I would like to visit Norway for many reasons. Some of them are its culture, landscapes, museums, history and social development. Norway is a Scandinavian country with great conservation of the environment and low pollution, it also has a very good health and educational system.

Oslo is its capital and the Norwegian form of government is based on an institutional monarchy (I don't like that very much).
What I would most like to do there is visit the Viking ship museum in Oslo, where preserved Viking ships from the 9th century are exhibited. Or go to Bergen for its tourist architecture and cruises to the incredible Sogn fjord.

Although Norway is not one of my favorite Nordic countries, I would like to work in the social area and even live there for a few years. I think it would be an incredible experience, it is considered one of the countries with the highest quality of life, although that must be verified.


  1. I would really like to visit the Norwegian nature reserves, you can tell they take great care of their environment. I wish Norwegian capitals would also respect the environment of other countries when they visit them.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I would still like to visit Norway, it is a beautiful place from what I have seen in photos. Seeing the aurora borealis at night, with a coffee in your hand, must be a unique experience.

    I, in part, also consider Norway to be one of the few countries that advocates nature conservation; which could be due, in my opinion, to its great economic and social means.

    It must be great to live in a first world country.

    Sincerely: Esteban Hernández Cáceres

    Pd: I commented without my name. I don't know if it happens but I think I have a problem with the platform.

  4. I found the country you chose very interesting! He didn't really know much about him and was very interested in everyone's attention regarding his way of organizing.

  5. Good choice c:
    Norway´s culture is so interesting and unique


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